Accreditation Accredia

Lab Solution continues its mission to constantly improve path and has achieved recognition of their technical expertise obtaining the accreditation (No. 1237) issued by ACCREDIA (Italian accreditation body) in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025. Accredia is the only accreditation body in Italy and is a signatory to the multilateral agreements of mutual recognition with accreditation bodies in EU and all over the world and in particular: EA-MLA (European Cooperation for Accreditation) and ILAC-MRA (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation). Lab Solution, by signing the contract of sub-license for the use of the ILAC MRA mark, and so adhering to international agreements, it provide assurance to its customers of its jurisdiction and the validity, worldwide, for its work in the technical field. Achieving accreditation is a long and difficult course that has, its final result, to allow a laboratory to be structured in technology operational skills and organization so as to be able to operate at any time, in a technically flawless manner. The accreditation process requires us to impress all the technical equipment and management on a course of action as possible in accordance with the requirements of the accreditation standard (ISO / IEC 17025) which is designed to minimize the operating variables that can cause dangerous drift and consequent unreliable tests results by the testing laboratories.

Lab Solutions has signed a contract with Accredia that binds the use of the label for specific uses: for example, cannot be affixed to the materials tested, but only on test reports relating to them and can never be used to imply some certification of the same materials. For a better understanding of these limitations please read the technical documents related to the subject of accreditation and penalties for infringements (RG-09 - Regulation for the use of the brand Accredia) downloadable from the website of the organization.